NPR Cookie Consent and Choices.
NPR Cookie Consent and Choices. Looking for: Clinical Labs COVID Testing Frequently Asked Questions - Australian Clinical Labs. Click here to DOWNLOAD NHS Coronavirus information. Information from gov. Mumsnet hasn't checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you have health concerns, please seek medical attention. Related: Lockdown Learning , discuss home schooling during lockdown. My Dh had a pcr test yesterday morning and we are still waiting for results. I know it can take up to 3 days but every test we've done we've had results back by morning and luckily all been negative. The fact this one is taking so long I'm stressing it's gonna be positive! I would imagine it's because there has been a big increase in cases so more people are being tested, I don't think it's anything to do with the test results. Fingers crossed it's negative. Try not to worry. My DH had one last Friday lunchtime and didn't get the results till S...